Friday 20 January 2017


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Hi guys!
I have been debating whether to mention this on my blog or not but I just thought why not!? I wont be going till next year but I think it would be a good way to share my plans and research as I go along to help others, and it also allows me to get advice from people that know a bit more about this than me lol
I have only really the last few weeks finally decided I am going to actually do it lol and since then my sister has said she would love to come with me and experience everything with me - which I am so happy about!
We both have said a number of places we would love to visit and we have roughly decided that we would want to leave end of next year and plan to go with enough funds for at least 3 months and potentially do some work and earn some pocket money to stay travelling for as long as possible.
I have found some amazing blogs with amazing tips and tricks, that are helping with where to start with organising the trips and a few of my friends have helped me with starting planning and where to visit etc. I think I will do another post with how I plan where to start this adventure and other things that I have to consider.

Below I have left a few tips to where to begin your travels!
although, there are lots of things to consider, I have given you some that people have told me to think of first.

1. Think of when. give yourself a month that you want to start traveling and then decide where you want to go and what you want to see or experience in these places, so you can make the most of your time there.

2. Do your research! Look into any visas that you may require and if you plan for volunteering or working whilst in certain destinations then you will need to get all the required documents. and keep copies of all these sort of documents with a friend or family incase of emergencies.

3. Ensure you research an estimate amount of money you will need/want to take with you. and also remember than you will have to arrange to cancel or have money left in a bank account for any bills or direct debits that you may have to continue paying. or even try to get them paid off before you travel. and keep money left aside for plane tickets to return home, so no matter what you will always have the money there to get home.

4. Make the most of useful websites and Apps that can literally plan your travels for you or at least help with places to stay in the local areas that you plan on staying with. always ensure that you have looked for the cheapest flights possible ( Skyscanner is a popular one!) also keeping an eye out for flight sales that go on throughout the year could also help with reducing spending.

5. Try not to over plan things and don't research too much - simply because things could change and you may change your mind or take a different route. Ensuring your laid back to the idea of travelling will ensure you make the most of the whole experience! You don't go travelling to plan every single detail and run on a time schedule like you do when your at home living your 9-5 job, so live in the moment as much as possible and do things that you wouldn't normally do!

I will keep you updated on my plans people! I am so excited to start saving and making the most of this world we live in.

Till next time,
G x


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